Flange or panel—warning signals – Spicer CTIS (Central Tire Inflation System) Troubleshooting Guide User Manual

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Operator Instructions

Flange or Panel—Warning Signals

Single Terrain Light

• Flashing - System is working to achieve new pressures

associated with that mode light.

• Solid - Pressure is achieved, system is not active, and wheel

valves are closed.

2 Terrain Lights on Solid

System has shut off, closing wheel valves, with tire pressure
between two mode settings.

• Infl ating or defl ating tires is taking too long.
• CTIS is still operational.
• Select any mode button to re-attempt pressure change.
• On 2-channel systems, normal operation continues on

unaffected channel.

• Frequent occurrences may indicate need for service.

4 Terrain Lights Flashing or CHECK TIRES Flashing

Indicates low pressure in one or more tires. Stop vehicle and
identify damage.

• System shuts off, closing wheel valves, and waits for

operator instruction.

• Tire damage is possible.
• CTIS should not be operated if major tire damage is found.

Repair tire before continuing to operate vehicle.

• On 2-channel systems, normal operation will continue on

the unaffected channel.

• If tire damage is minimal, operate CTIS by selecting RUN


Note: Repeated use of RUN FLAT to override mode light warnings
may result in tires infl ating higher than set point.

Note: Excessive air seal leakage on cold weather startup may
result in "4-5 Mode Lights" warning. If no tire damage exists, this
condition will self-correct as seals warm up with use.

5 Lights Flashing

System shuts off at least one channel due to fault detection on a
CTIS component.

• System closes wheel valves.
• System may periodically cycle PCU to determine if fault still


• On 2-channel systems, operation may be allowed on the

unaffected channel.

• Get service at next opportunity.
• No ability to override system.

Several warning signals report operating problems. The Central Tire Infl ation System uses general sequences displayed
on the electronic control unit lights and an instrument panel-mounted warning lamp to identify the type and area of fault.