General information, How to use illustrated parts list – Spicer IPL: Models ON or AFTER June 10, 2013 User Manual
Page 4

General Information
General Information
How To Use Illustrated Parts List
Ordering Parts
This parts book is organized in sections according to parts
servicing requirements. Use the Contents or page headings
and colored tabs to find information.
Use this book to order parts for your Dana
For convenience, part numbers have been included for all
pieces of the carrier assembly. Some of these parts, such as
the carrier and caps, are serviced only in kits or assemblies.
Part numbers are for your reference only. Those parts not
serviced separately are identified with NSS.
Kits and Assemblies
Kits and Assemblies contain groups of individual or
assembled parts developed for optimal replacement or repair
of a service problem.
Kits and Assemblies are shown with applicable parts
groupings in the parts listing.
See the Appendix for detailed information concerning kits
applicable to this model.
AR - As Required - Parts that vary in quantity with each axle.
Example: shims
NSS - Not Serviced Separately - Items which can only be
purchased in sets, kit form or service assemblies. Example:
brake shoes.
RH/LH - Right Hand/Left Hand - Determined as viewed from
behind the vehicle looking forward.
“RTV” - Gasket Compound - Formed-in-place gasket sealer. It
is recommended for use on all surfaces requiring a gasket.
Assy - Assembly
Brg - Bearing
Diff - Differential
Hsg - Housing
Inv - Involute
ABS - Antilock Brake System
N/A - Not Applicable
Str - Straight
Illustrations show parts in assembly groups.
Item numbers on illustrations correspond with parts listings
on pages that accompany the drawings.
Notes are included on illustrations where needed.
Parts Listings
Parts listings are defined by parts groupings and are broken
down by service assemblies.
Parts Listings identify a part for servicing with the following
Item - corresponds with numbers on illustrations for part
Part Name - specifies part name or description
Quantity (Qty) - quantity required for assembly
Current Part - service part numbers are broken down by
model, type or other applicable information
Notes - define unique characteristics or replacement
Kits / Assy’s Where Used - indicates Kits or Assemblies
that contain a particular part
Other pertinent information is listed in tables or parts
listings as required.