EVS XEDIO Importer Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 3.1.B

Xedio Suite Version 3.1 – User’s Manual – Xedio Importer

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011

The following table describes the fields

Field Description

Label (mandatory)

Name assigned to the files when they are imported to the
Xedio database.

First File

The Browse button allows the selection of one file from
the sequence to be imported.

Files found

Number of files found in the same folder as the selected
first file. You need to have an even number of .tiff files to
import for your RTD sequence.

Video Standard

Video standard to apply to create the transition:

PAL SD, HD 1080i @50, NTSC drop SD, HD 1080i @59,94

Preview Button

Displays the corresponding pictures in the Bitmap,
Bitmap Key and Transition Key fields and then converts

the sequence to display it in the Result field.