EVS XEDIO Importer Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 3.1.B

Xedio Suite Version 3.1 – User’s Manual – Xedio Importer

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011


Field Description


Select the option to be used to detect the source files:

Auto Src Disk

Option to automatically scan the camera disks for new files
to be imported.


Drive or path to access a camera or device connected to the
Xedio workstation via a USB or FireWire connection
(depending on the device).


FTP server used with some cameras or devices that are
connected to the Xedio workstation via a GigE connection.

The IP address, the login and password to connect to the

FTP server need to be specified.


Hi-res server

Media server that will be used to store the imported files.
The list is retrieved from the media servers where a hi-res
folder is defined in Xedio Manager (Media > Servers tool).


FTP server where the imported hi-res files will be stored.
The IP address, the login and password to connect to the

FTP server need to be specified.

Lo-res server

Media server that will be used to store the imported files.

The list is retrieved from the media servers where a lo-res
folder is defined in Xedio Manager (Media > Servers tool).


FTP server where the imported lo-res files will be stored.
The IP address, the login and password to connect to the
FTP server need to be specified.


Subfolder where the files will be stored on the FTP server.
The subfolder needs to be created beforehand.