EVS XEDIO Importer Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 3.1.B

Xedio Suite Version 3.1 – User’s Manual – Xedio Importer

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011

The following table describes the fields specific to the single file import:

Field Description



Name assigned to the files when they are imported to the Xedio

Low Bitrate

The Browse button allows the selection of the lo-res file.

High Bitrate

The Browse button allows the selection of the corresponding hi-
res file.


Both hi-res and lo-res files need to have a common
range of timecode to be imported as a new media in
the system.

The following table describes the fields specific to the batch import. They allow
the definition of settings related to the source files:

Field Description

LowRes folder

Folder where the source lo-res files are stored.

HiRes folder

Folder where the source hi-res files are stored.

Scan Filter

File format extension of the files to be imported. When the file

extension is specified in this field, the application will scan for
and import the files having this extension.

It is recommended to use the scan filter in case of multi-file
formats. For example, the scan filter will be *.mxf for OPAtom,
and *.mov for QuickTime Ref.

Video Ratio

Video ratio of the source files, that is to say 4/3 or 16/9.