Deep archive sync – EVS IP2Archive Version 1.3 - July 2013 User Manual User Manual

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This application is installed on the workstation of the system administrator, librarian or
documentalist. See the Deep Archive Manager user manual for more information.


Deep Archive Sync

IP2Archive Deep Archive Sync is an application which allows an administrator to
compare the archive metadata of clips in the IP2Archive database with the clip archive
metadata in the IPDirector or DIVArchive database. It will highlight the differences (if any)
and allow the administrator to synchronize the databases.

In case the IPDirector database contains clips with archive metadata that are not known
in the IP2Archive database, it will allow the user to remove this archive metadata from the
IPDirector database. It sometimes happens that a new clip is created starting from
another clip (for example when creating a subclip). In this case, the metadata fields of the
new clip will be copied from the original clip. Since the Archive Process fields are also
metadata fields, they may contain incorrect data now. In particular, it happens a lot that
clips are marked as 'archived' while in fact they are not.


1. Introduction

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - July 2013

Issue 1.3.D