EVS OpenCube MXFTK Version 2.6 - October 2013 User Manual User Manual
Page 13

USER MANUAL OpenCube MXFTk® Front-End 2.6
OpenCube MXFTk® Front-End in Practice
This page lets you select the operational pattern (Op) of the file and the media files you
want to embed. The drop-down box (1) is a list of operational patterns available for
creation. You will also find here some predefined manufacturers patterns that are heavily
used (SONY eVTR, XDCam IMX, XDCam DV, XDCam proxy and Panasonic P2/AVC-
LongG files). The choice of the operational pattern depends on what you want to do with
the MXF file:
Op1a: the most common operational pattern. It is used to embed media files in an
MXF file and play them all together simultaneously and in their entirety. These files
contain a single source package where the media files are stored and a single
material package representing the output of the file. Consequently, the number of
parallel and play-list packages is forced to 1 and cannot be changed.
OpZero: this is an Op1a file with a single meda track and structure constraints to
ensure play while record capability.
Op1b: these files contain at least two source packages and a single material package
referencing all the source packages. All the source packages are played
simultaneously. Consequently, the number of parallel packages cannot be lower than
2 and the number of play-list packages is forced to 1.
Op2a: these files contain at least two source packages and a single material package
referencing all the source packages. The source packages are played one after the
other. Consequently, the number of parallel packages is forced to 1 and the number
of play-list packages cannot be lower than 2.
Op2b: these files contain at least four source packages and a single material
package referencing all the source packages. This is a combination of Op1b and
Op2a where a set of source packages is played simultaneously and is then followed
by another set of source packages played simultaneously. Consequently, the number
of parallel and play-list packages cannot be lower than 2.
OpAtom: OpAtom files are MXF files embedding a single source and a single
material package. On top of this, the source package should only contain a single
media file. However, the material package is representing a combination of several
OpAtom files in order to build a complete editing. When you create OpAtom files you
should keep in mind that one MXF file will be created for each media file you provide
and the files should remain altogether to be played later on. Similarly to standard
operational patterns, it is possible to create OpAtom1a, OpAtom1b, OpAtom2a and
OpAtom2b files.
DCP (SMPTE): DCP files are OpAtom files compliant with the SMPTE429 standards
relative to DCI distribution package MXF files.
DCP (Interop)
: DCP files modified to be compliant with some manufacturer’s D-
Cinema servers.
eVTR: this will create an Op1a file following the exact properties of a SONY eVTR
file. You will need to provide one IMX sequence (30, 40 or 50 Mb/s) and one 8-
channel AES audio file.
XDCam IMX: this will create an Op1a file following the exact properties of a SONY
XDCam Optical IMX file. You will need to provide one IMX sequence (30, 40 or 50
Mb/s) and one 8-channel AES audio file.
XDCam DV: this will create an Op1a file following the exact properties of a SONY
XDCam Optical DV file. You will need to provide one DV IEC sequence and four 1-
channel AES file or four 1-channel WAV files.
XDCam Proxy: this will create an Op_pd_proxy (Professional Disc Proxy) file
following the exact properties of a SONY XDCAM MPEG4 proxy file. You will need to
provide one MPEG4 file and four A-law (embedded in WAV) files.