Firmware updates, Rcs boot process, Redirection and configuration service (rcs) – AASTRA Re-direction Services (RCS) User Guide EN User Manual
Page 8: Internet
Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS)
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Aastra RCS Process Flow
For more information about setting configuration servers for the phones using the RCS, see
Firmware Updates
Optionally, new firmware files can be sent to the phones using the RCS. When a phone starts up, it contacts the RCS. The
RCS downloads any firmware files specified under the phone’s MAC address.
Service providers using specific firmware versions can upgrade or downgrade the phone firmware either from a configu-
ration server or directly from the RCS, ensuring new phones receive updates immediately on initial installation.
For more information about firmware updates for the phones on the RCS network, see
RCS Boot Process
When a phone with default factory settings starts up, it runs through a series of initialization steps. The first step in the
phone initialization process is to contact the RCS over the Internet.
Once the phone has connected to the RCS, it does the following:
a branding file(s) is set on the RCS and assigned to the phone,
the RCS downloads the branding file(s) to the phone.
a Service Provider configuration server is set on the RCS and
assigned to the phone,
the phone sets the configuration server to the specified address.
For more information about setting configuration servers for the Aastra IP
Phones using the RCS, see
firmware updates are available for the phone, AND/OR the phone
has a different firmware file then the RCS,
the RCS downloads the firmware that is set for the phone. The phone reboots,
restarting the initialization process.
Note: The RCS can downgrade or upgrade firmware on a phone, depending
on how it is set for that phone on the RCS.
For more information about firmware updates for the Aastra IP Phones using
the RCS, see
configuration files and language files are available for the phone on
the configuration server,
the phone contacts the RCS and the RCS redirects the phone to the configu-
ration serve. The configuration server then downloads the configuration files
and language files to the phone according to the download precedence
described in the Models 6700i and 9000i SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide.
RCS servers
C o n fig u ra tio n S e rve r
P ro visio n in g
M A C A d d re ss re gistra tion on R C S
P h o n e co n ta cts R C S d u rin g first b o o t
Z e ro to u ch config
Config Server info is
provided to phone