P034-2013_dinghy_guide_accessories, Danko manufacturing, Dinghy braking systems – Blue Ox 2013 Dinghy Towing Guide User Manual

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Dinghy Braking Systems

and cable pulley are installed on the brake
pedal arm. The entire system is designed to
stay in the vehicle.

How it Works:

InvisiBrake uses the towed ve-

hicle’s electrical harness — the same electrical
signal that activates the towed vehicle’s brake-
lights also activates InvisiBrake.

Features and Benefi ts:

• Nothing to put in or take out to tow or drive.
• Hidden from view — no unsightly equipment
in the car. InvisiBrake is so small (8¾-by-8¾-
by-2¾ inches) it can usually be mounted
under the driver’s seat.
• Simple operation. Works intuitively. No fuss,
no hassle.
• Charges the battery — InvisiBrake connects
directly to the towed vehicle’s battery and
constantly charges the battery during towing.
• InvisiBrake engages the power braking sys-
tem, providing the same power brakes
whether towing or driving.
• Works in virtually any towed vehicle with vacuum-
powered brakes, including hybrids and those with
full-time (active) power braking systems.
• Includes an emergency breakaway system
and two-stage monitor alarm.

What’s Included:

The InvisiBrake controller,

cable, air cylinder, brake pedal bracket, all
electrical wiring and a breakaway system.


Roadmaster, Inc.




auxiliary braking system

MSRP: $1,350

RVibrake2 is the fi rst braking system to inte-

grate tire pressure monitoring and towed vehi-
cle braking all in one. RVibrake Tire Pressure
Sensors simply thread on to the towed vehi-
cle’s valve stems and are activated when the
RVibrake2 Wireless Monitor is enabled.

How it’s Installed:

The Breakaway System is

the only thing that has to be permanently in-
stalled in the dinghy vehicle. Installation of the
breakaway takes approximately 25-45 min-
utes. Once the breakaway is installed, place
RVibrake2 on the fl oorboard of the towed ve-
hicle and push the




button. This will

not only deplete the vacuum in the brakes, but
it will also auto position itself. There is no need
to adjust the seat, because RVibrake2 pushes
up against the rise in the fl oor pan. Setting up
the RVibrake2 takes less than 60 seconds.

How it Works:

RVibrake2 is an inertia-

activated system. It applies the brakes in the
towed vehicle only when the coach driver
applies the brakes in the motorhome. RVi-
brake2’s cutting-edge software adjusts for
terrain, whether the motorhome is going
uphill or downhill.

The RVibrake2 housing pushes against

the fl oor pan (the rise in the fl oor where the
driver’s seat is mounted) instead of the soft
seat when activating. This allows RVibrake2
to be truly proportional.

Features and Benefi ts:

• RVibrake2 is compatible with RVibrake
Tire Pressure Sensors.
• Installation only takes 60 seconds.
• One-touch auto positioning.
• True proportional braking.
• Three-year warranty.
• Motorhome driver can monitor performance
and adjust settings on the fl y from the coach
with the Wireless Monitor.
• Fits in all vehicles.
• Weighs 8 pounds.
• Available accessories include a soft shell case
for storage ($35) and a 12-volt DC Direct to
Battery Kit ($20).

What’s Included:

Wireless Monitor and

breakaway system.


Danko Manufacturing



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