P030-2013_dinghy_guide_accessories, Blue ox, Roadmaster – Blue Ox 2013 Dinghy Towing Guide User Manual

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Dinghy Braking Systems

mounts anywhere in the towed vehicle you de-
sire. Patent-pending all-in-one adapter mounts
at the front of the vehicle, and the dual con-
troller mounts inside the motorhome where it
is easily viewed and within reach.

How it Works:

Senses the inertia of the

braking event, and communicates the exact
amount of pressure to apply the towed ve-
hicle’s brake pedal. After braking, the vacuum
pump restores vacuum to the towed vehicle.

Features and Benefi ts:

• Compact unit mounts anywhere in dinghy.
• Easy installation.
• Dual controller offers “on the fl y” sensitivity and
gain adjustments. Can be switched between
dinghy towing and conventional trailer towing.
• Dual braking mode allows towing a dinghy
vehicle or trailer at the push of a button.
• Easy to use. Plug in adapter while attaching
the tow bar and it’s ready to go (also connects
lights, braking system and charge line).

What’s Included:

Main unit, All-In-One adapt-

er, Dual Controller and mounting hardware.


Hopkins Manufacturing Corp.




portable supplemental braking system

MSRP: $999.99

How it’s Installed:

Place on the driver’s side

fl oorboard, adjust push pad/feet, attach spring-
loaded brake claw to brake pedal, plug unit in,
push the button and the unit self-calibrates.

How it Works:

When the coach’s brakes are

applied, the Patriot applies progressive and
proportional braking force using an electric
cylinder and actuator.

Features and Benefi ts:

• Self contained unit sits on the fl oor in front
of the driver’s seat. Installed within a few
minutes after the initial installation.
• Works with all coaches and towed vehicles.
• Features internal 12-volt battery to extend
towed vehicle battery life.
• Adjustable push pad and feet.
• Weighs only 15 pounds.

What’s Included:

Everything needed for basic

installation, including hardware and brake
bracket assembly.


Blue Ox




permanently mounted brake system

MSRP: $1,304.68 (for coaches with hydraulic
brakes), $883.85 (for motorhomes with air over
hydraulic or air brakes)

How it’s Installed:

The BrakeMaster is
connected directly to
the motorhome’s air
or hydraulic brake line.
The initial installation
(in the coach and the
towed vehicle) takes
from four to six hours,
depending on the
motor home’s brake
system and the specifi c
towed vehicle. Once

the initial installation is complete, BrakeMaster
connects and disconnects from the towed ve-
hicle in just a minute or two, without any
tools, adjustments or settings. Attach the
brake pedal clamp to the towed vehicle’s
brake pedal, secure to the fl oor or seat adapter
and quick-connect the air hose.

How it Works:

Because it connects directly to

what powers the motorhome’s brakes, Brake-
Master is a truly proportional, truly synchro-
nized braking system — brake line pressure
in the coach controls the brakes in the towed
vehicle. Whenever the motorhome’s brakes
are applied, BrakeMaster automatically applies


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