P028-2013_dinghy_guide_accessories, Hopkins manufacturing – Blue Ox 2013 Dinghy Towing Guide User Manual
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Dinghy Braking Systems
portable supplemental braking system
MSRP: $1,149
How it’s Installed:
First, install the emergency
breakaway system. Next, set the BrakeBuddy
on the dinghy’s driver’s side fl oor in front of
the driver’s side seat and attach the clevis to
the brake pedal. Adjust the driver’s seat for-
ward to touch the adjustable handle of the
BrakeBuddy. Plug in the 12-volt DC power and
emergency breakaway cords. Then, verify the
program settings customized to your dinghy’s
weight or braking sensitivity and plug in the
wireless remote inside the motorhome. Total
installation time is less than 30 minutes; after
the initial installation, the setup time for tow-
ing is less than fi ve minutes.
How it Works:
By way of an electronic decel-
erometer, the BrakeBuddy senses the inertia
created during braking. The sensed inertia
activates an internal air cylinder that puts a
specifi ed amount of pressure on the towed
vehicle’s brake pedal. An air compressor and
tank supply the air pressure. The coach op-
erator is notifi ed of the towed vehicle’s brak-
ing via the BrakeBuddy Alert System, which
has a light that indicates that safe braking has
Features and Benefi ts:
• Billions of miles of experience.
• Three-year, 30-day money-back guarantee.
• Meets or exceeds all state and provincial
towing laws.
• Utilizes advanced terrain sensing technology
and provides the right braking force needed.
• The unit’s compact design fi ts within all
towed vehicles and is lightweight at only
12 pounds. Because it is portable, it can
easily be transferred from vehicle to vehicle.
What’s Included:
Diagnostic wireless remote
and emergency breakaway system.
portable supplemental braking system
MSRP: $1,499
How it’s Installed:
Same installation proce-
dure as the Digital Classic BrakeBuddy
How it Works:
Operates the same as the
Classic BrakeBuddy, but with the addition of
a fully automatic one-touch startup button.
Choose between Full and Proportional braking
technology at the touch of a button.
Features and Benefi ts:
• “On the fl y” Braking Adjustability: Vantage
Select lets the driver adjust braking sensitivity
on the fl y from the coach to react to changing
road conditions. Utilizes radio frequency
technology and is AA-battery powered.
• Fully Automatic Startup feature: Push the
button and Vantage Select prepares itself
for use. This allows the driver the opportunity to
ensure the dinghy brakelights are operational.
What’s Included:
Diagnostic wireless remote
and emergency breakaway system.
BrakeBuddy STEALTH
supplemental braking system
MSRP: $999-$1099
How it’s Installed:
STEALTH main unit
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