Index – American Magnetics 05300PS-430-601 High Stability Integrated Power Supply System User Manual
Page 223
Rev. 5
ESCape 33
fine adjust 31
manual control 79
menu 32
persistent switch control 33
ramp / pause 36
ramp rate 37
ramp to zero 36
ramp/pause 79
shift 31
shift persistent switch control 34
target field setpoint 35
voltage limit 41
current leads energized 45
definition 163
magnet in persistent mode 34, 45,
Model 601 fault 146
Model 601 internal indicator 146
power-on 44
shift 37
limit example 57
load submenu
calculate inductance 57
coil constant 54
enable external rampdown 62
enable quench detect 61, 62
example limits 57
pswitch cooling gain 61
pswitch cooling time 60
pswitch current 59
pswitch current detect 58
pswitch heated time 59
pswitch installed 58
pswitch ramp rate 60
stability setting 52
magnet current
drifts while PSwitch cooling 148
oscillating 142
rating 35, 38, 39, 40, 42, 55,
viewing established persistent current
magnet specs 77
load submenu 52
misc submenu 63
net settings submenu 72
net setup submenu 74
supply submenu 47
misc submenu
coil constant lock 69
current limit lock 69
display brightness 63
display brightness lock 71
external rampdown lock 71
field / current lock 68
field units 64
field units lock 68
fine adjust lock 69
increment / decrement field lock 67
mag current rating lock 70
net setup lock 71
persistent switch settings lock 70
power supply lock 67
pswitch control lock 66
quench detect lock 70
quench rate 64
quench rate lock 70
ramp / pause lock 66
ramp rate time units 63
ramp segments 63
ramp settings lock 66
reset quench lock 67
settings password lock 71
settings protection 64
stability settings lock 68
target field setpoint lock 66
voltage limit lock 67
voltmeter lock 69
Vs / Vm lock 68
Model 430
appears to lock up 148
remote control application 193
Model 430IP 196
Model 601 Energy Absorber 3, 16, 146,
name, system 194
net settings submenu
address assignment 73
gateway address 74
IP address 73
subnet mask 73
system name 73
net setup submenu