9 power-up and test procedure, Installation – American Magnetics 4Q06125PS-430 High Stability Integrated Power Supply System User Manual
Page 35
Rev. 3
Power-Up Procedure
indicate that a persistent switch is present, with the persistent switch
heater deactivated.
The preferred method is to indicate that a persistent switch is not present
(see section on page 54) and adjust the stability setting (see
section on page 48) to control the load. A stability setting of 100%
will always allow control of a short-circuit as the load, regardless of the
state of the persistent switch heater.
If the resistance of the load is increased, the stability setting must be
decreased to improve the transient response of the system. If the current
appears to lag, then decrease the stability setting until the system is
responsive. If the current appears to oscillate, increase the stability setting
until the oscillations are damped.
If you have purchased a superconducting magnet with the Model
430 Programmer, AMI will normally provide a recommended
stability setting for optimal operation of the magnet system. If you
operate the Model 430 Programmer with a different load, be sure to
restore the stability setting to the recommended value when the
superconducting magnet is reconnected.
The stability setting is essentially manual control of the gain of an
integrator present in the control logic of the Model 430 Programmer.
Increasing the stability setting decreases the gain of the integrator.
2.9 Power-Up and Test Procedure
It is important to verify that the magnet system has been properly
connected before the superconducting magnet is energized. This is
especially recommended if the system is to be controlled via a computer
since this setup will allow software debugging without the potential for
damage to the magnet. The following procedures will assist the user in the
verifying key system components.
1. Using the appropriate diagram from section 2.5 as a guide, verify
all system components are connected as shown. If there is any
doubt as to the correct connection of a component, contact an AMI
Technical Support Representative. The user may be required to
properly make a few connections between the various system
components which were disconnected to facilitate packing and
2. Temporarily place a short across the magnet current terminals.
Often this is most easily accomplished by unfastening the heavy