Index – American Magnetics 4Q12125PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System User Manual
Page 214

Rev. 5
operation 21
operational limits 90
password 61, 67
persistent mode
entering 78
exiting 81
viewing established magnet current 31,
persistent switch
abbreviations 156
beep 29
control 77
cooling 24, 30, 56, 57, 76, 79,
current 55
current detect 54
cooling gain 30
cooling period 30
heating period 30
heating 12, 24, 30, 40, 56, 76,
installed? 54, 95, 113
not installed on magnet 17, 49
power supply
4-quadrant 13
compatibility 45
displayed current 20
displayed voltage 24
general description 3
operating characteristics 9
precise control of current 3
ps unit details 161
ps unit front panel layout 7
routine maintenance 135
system integral components 1
system interconnects 13
system rack layout 4
system terminology 154
system troubleshooting 135
voltage-voltage mode 3
power up/down sequence 21
powering system off 22
powering system on 21
power-up test 18
programmed current 31
pswitch - see persistent switch
disabling 57, 88
enabling 57
quench rate 60
quench, magnet xvi
ramp modes 76
ramp rate time units 59
ramp segments 59
rampdown, external - see external rampdown
automatic ramping 76
basic relationships 74
direct current manipulation 77
example 85
manual increment or decrement 76
mode symbols 24
ramp to zero 77
segmented 33, 34, 36, 59, 62,
75, 77, 98, 116, 120,
121, 122, 123, 124,
remote control application
command interface 186
controls Model 430 184
frequently asked questions 186
IP address 185
links 186
mirrored control 184
system name 185
view of Model 430 186
web browser depiction 184
remote interface reference - see command
return authorization 143
RJ-45 connector - see Ethernet
routine maintenance 135
RS-232 configuration
connector 106, 153, 154, 167
null-modem/crossover cable 106,
parameters 106
termination characters 106