Index – American Magnetics 4Q12125PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System User Manual

Page 212

background image


Rev. 5


default settings 90
DHCP 70, 72, 171, 175

light emitting - see LED


asterisk 25, 28
brightness 59
current 20
field / current 23
field units 23
magnet quench indicator 24
mode status indicators 24
up/down arrow 27
voltage 24, 39

display brightness 59


encoder - see fine adjust knob
energizing the system 21
energy absorber

lock 67
present 58

energy recuperation 167
entering values 25
error messages 130
ESD precautions 135

cable 170, 185, 187

connector 107, 153, 170
termination characters 107

null-modem/crossover cable 170,

173, 185, 187

port 170, 184, 187
slow connection 142


current limit setup 53
ethernet communication setup 170
magnet specification sheet 73
Model 430 IP operation 187
Model 430 remote control application


power supply outputs 46
ramp rate menus 33
ramping functions 85
RS-232 communication setup 167
setup 72
system setup 72

external quench detect 57, 58

rampdown 58, 67, 88, 89,

90, 120, 123, 124

external rampdown input 150


FAILURE TO LOAD message 21, 137
field display 23
field units 60
fine adjust knob

coil constant 50

current limit 53
custom ps

max output current 48
max output voltage 47
min output current 47
min output voltage 47

displayed up/down arrow 27
enter key vs. esc. key 27
general description 26
immediate affect on the system 27
lock/unlock 65
magnet current rating 52
pswitch cooled time 56
pswitch cooling gain 57
pswitch current 55
pswitch heated time 56
pswitch power supply ramp rate 57
quench rate 60
ramp rate 33
shift key 39
slow/very fine resolution 27
stability setting 49
target current in HOLDING mode 77
to adjust numeric values 26
velocity sensitive 27
voltage limit 36

firmware upgrade

via flash card reader 180
via FTP 173

firmware version screen 142

operation 9, 46, 166

ftp client 175
fuses 137


HyperTerminal 168


inductance, calculate 53

earth ground 11
magnet system characteristics 12
mounting 11
power 12
unpacking 11


Address 69, 70, 71, 72, 106,

107, 142, 155, 171, 172,
175, 183, 184, 185



arrows 28
enter 25, 42
esc 26, 42
ESCape 28
fine adjust 27
manual control 75
menu 28
persistent switch control 29