Operation – American Magnetics 4Q06125PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System User Manual

Page 48

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Rev. 5


Single-key Commands : Persistent Switch Control

persistent switch is installed in the Load submenu and specifying the

switch heating current, heated time, and cooled time



The nominal switch heating current is listed on the magnet specification

sheet, and may be entered in the Model 430 Programmer by accessing the

Load submenu


. In addition to the heating current, the user must also

specify a heated time, cooled time, PSw P/S Ramp Rate and cooling gain.

The heated time allows the Model 430 Programmer to delay compensating

the internal control logic until the magnet is guaranteed to be in the

circuit. The heated time can be set from a minimum of 5 seconds to a

maximum of 120 seconds within the Load submenu


. The default heating

period of 20 seconds is adequate for the majority of persistent switches.

If the magnet appears unstable just after the switch heating period

expires, increase the switch heated time to allow for complete heating. The

cooled time allows the persistent switch sufficient time to be cooled to

superconducting state before the current is changed in the magnet. The

cooled time can be set from a minimum of 5 seconds to a maximum of 3600

seconds within the Load submenu


. The default cooling period of 20

seconds is adequate for the majority of wet persistent switches.

Conduction cooled switches typically require longer time to transition from

resistive to superconducting.

The default cooling gain of 0.0% may be adequate for the majority of wet

persistent switches. However, this setting may result in some magnet drift

during persistent switch cooling, especially with conduction cooled

switches. Increasing the cooling gain adds control loop gain during the

switch cooling cycle. Too little may result in magnet drift during switch

cooling. Too much may result in power supply instability during switch

cooling, which could potentially prevent the switch from cooling. Most

systems requiring some cooling gain to control magnet drift will likely

work with value set to 25%.


During the period the switch is being heated or cooled, the Model

430 Programmer will not allow ramping functions to be executed

and will beep once if the user attempts to initiate a ramping


Refer to section 3.13 on page 77 for a complete description of magnet

persistent switch control. A flowchart of the persistent switch control

functions are located in the Appendix beginning on page 189.

1. Refer to section on page 54, section on page 55, section

on page 55, and section on page 56.

2. Refer to section on page 55.
3. Refer to section on page 55.
4. Refer to section on page 56.