Figure a-8. http:// - system name entry, Appendix – American Magnetics 4Q06125PS-430 Integrated Power Supply System User Manual

Page 205

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Rev. 5



Model 430IP


Allow about 90-seconds (from power-up) for the TCP/IP link between the

Model 430 and host computer to be established.

In order to access the Model 430IP using TCP/IP, either the Model 430

System Name or IP Address must be known. The System Name should be

available from the Model 430IP configuration documentation. If the IP

Address is assigned statically, it should also be available from the Model

430IP documents.
If the IP Address is assigned dynamically, it will not be known because it

changes on each Model 430 power-up; in this case the IPNAME must be

used (the IPNAME is also known as the System Name


). With serial port

communication established (refer to “RS-232 Configuration” on page 106),

query the unit for IPNAME as follows (refer to “SCPI Command

Summary” on page 93):
The port will respond with the IPNAME (System Name).
Open a web browser on the host computer. In the address field, type

“http://” followed by the System Name, and press <ENTER>. For example,

with a System Name A10123_X-AX:

The following initial screen should appear:

1. Refer to “Net Settings Submenu” on page 68.

Figure A-8.

http:// - System Name Entry

Figure A-9.

Initial Screen for Browser Access of the Model 430IP