Appendix c – Garmin GPS 165 TSO User Manual

Page 110

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Data card write fail - The user data card failed to program. The card should be

returned to an authorized GARMIN service center.

Degraded accuracy

- The GPS 155 has detected poor satellite geometry while in

approach mode while RAIM is unavailable. Additional cross
checking should be performed by the user to verify the integri-
ty of the GPS 155 position.

Do not use for nav

- The GPS 155 is in the simulator mode and must not be used

for actual navigation.

Final altitude alert

- The suggested altitude is within 1000 feet of the final altitude

entered on the VNAV Planning Page.

Fuel/Air input fail

- The fuel and/or air data input is not available to the GPS 155.

Check the I/O settings and/or fuel/air data system installation.

Inside SUA

- You have entered a Special Use Airspace.

Invald CPA wpt ____ - The closest point of approach cannot be created from the waypoint

entered on the CPA Page. This occurs when the computed point
does not fall on one of the route legs, or when a unique waypoint
name for the closest point of approach cannot be found.

Invalid copy route

- A non-empty route was selected for a copy operation. A route

must be empty before another route can be copied to it.

Invalid CPA route

- The selected route contains less than two waypoints and cannot

be used for CPA operations.

Invalid SAR route

- The selected route does not contain exactly two waypoints and

cannot be used for SAR operations.

Leg not smoothed

- The upcoming leg is too short for smooth waypoint transitions.

Expect a rapid change in the CDI.

Memory battery low - The battery that sustains user memory is low and should be

replaced by an authorized GARMIN service center as soon as
possible. Failure to do so may result in loss of stored data,
including all user waypoints and routes.




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