Introduction – Activeforever RemRest 901 CPAP Machine User Manual

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In 1993, the National Commission on Sleep

Disorders Research stated that as many as

18 million Americans may have signs and

symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

(OSA). OSA is a condition where the upper

airway relaxes during sleep causing the

airway to obstruct. Apnea is a word

meaning “without breath.” People diagnosed

with OSA stop breathing repeatedly during

sleep which can result in extreme

exhaustion and damage to vital organs.


The RemRest is a CPAP (Continuous Positive

Airway Pressure) device which provides

constant non-invasive air pressure to your

upper airway causing the airway to stay

open. In doing so, you are able to sleep

with no interruption allowing your body to

rest and regenerate. Small, adjustable,

lightweight and quiet, the RemRest is our

contribution to reaching your dreams.

RemRest 3