Pch 3098 – Acnodes PCH 3298 User Manual
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All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at www.acnodes.com.
14628 Central Ave.
Chino, CA91710
Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939
PCH 3098
8 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC
Boot Sector Virus Prote ction:
Enabled / D isabled Boot Sec tor Virus Protection.
Type the passw ord with up to 6 ch arac te rs and then pres s
confirm the passw ord . Ty pe the pas sword again and press
En ter
key. You
may press
ke y to abandon pas sword entry operation.
To cle ar the pass word, just press
k ey when passw ord
whether the passw ord will be disabled. You will ha ve direct acc ess to BIOS setup
without typing any pass word after system reboot once the passwo rd is disabled .
Once the pass word feature is used, you w ill be reques ted to t ype
eac h t ime you enter BIOS setup. This will prevent unauthorized persons from
ch anging your system c onf igurations.
Also, the feature is capable of requesting us ers to enter the pa
sy stem boot to control unauthorized acc ess to your computer. Us ers
feature in Security O ption of Advanced BIOS Features. If Security O ption is set to
System, you will be reques ted to enter the pass word before system boot and when
entering BIOS setup; if Sec urity Option is set to Setup, you will be requested for
passw ord for enterin g BIOS setup.