Edimax Technology AR-7167WnB User Manual

Page 28

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Static IP Address

Enter the IP Address assigned by your ISP.

IP Subnet Mask

Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by your ISP.


Enter the Gateway assigned by your ISP.


NAT (Network Address Translation), an Internet standard

that enables a local-area network (LAN) to use one set of

IP addresses for internal traffic and a second set of

addresses for external traffic. When NAT is enabled, the

router will help to make all necessary IP address

translations for the PC connected to the router to access

the Internet.

Dynamic Route

Dynamic routing allows routing tables in routers to

change as the possible routes change. This router

supports RIP1, RIP2-B and RIP2-M protocols for

dynamic routing. After the RIP protocol is selected,

please choose the RIP direction from

“None”, “Both”, “IN


” or “OUT Only”.

IGMP Porxy

Enable or disable IGMP proxy feature.

When you are done making changes, click on SAVE to save your changes.