Edimax Technology 3G-6200n User Manual

Page 36

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establish a PPTP connection

Subnet Mask

Enter the Subnet Mask provided by your ISP (e.g.


Enter the IP address of the ISP’s Gateway

User ID

Enter the User Name provided by your ISP for the
PPTP connection. Sometimes called as Connection


Enter the Password provided by your ISP for the
PPTP connection

PPTP Gateway

If your LAN has a PPTP gateway, then enter that
PPTP gateway’s IP address here. If you do not
have a PPTP gateway then enter the ISP’s
Gateway IP address, same as above

Connection ID

This is the ID given by your ISP, and this is


Select this item if you are using the service
provided by BEZEQ in Israel.

Connection Type

If you select “Continuous”, the router will maintain
the connection to the ISP. If the WAN line breaks
down and links again at a latter time, the router will
reconnect to the ISP automatically; if you select
“Connect On Demand”, the router will auto-connect
to the ISP when someone wants to use the Internet
and keep connected until the WAN idle timeout.
The router will close the WAN connection if the
time period that no one is using the Internet
exceeds the “Idle Time”.
If you select “Manual”, the router will connect to ISP
only when you click “Connect” manually from the
Web management interface. The WAN connection
will not be disconnected because of idle timeout. If
the WAN line breaks down and got connected
again at a latter time, the router will not connect to
the ISP by itself.

Idle Time

You can specify an idle time threshold (minutes) for
the WAN port. This means if no packets has been
sent (no one using the Internet) throughout this
specified period, then the router will automatically
disconnect the connection to your ISP.

Note: This “idle timeout” function may not work due
to abnormal activities of some network application