Smart Technologies FSSBID 100 User Manual
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M O D E L F S S B I D 1 0 0 H : C O N N E C T I N G D E V I C E S I N S I D E Y O U R S M A R T M O B I L E
S T A N D ’ S C A B I N E T
99-00962-20 REV C0
Connecting Your SMART Board interactive
display frame
This section describes how to connect your SMART Board interactive display frame’s
controller box to your SMART Mobile Stand (instead of directly to a computer).
Refer to the SMART Board interactive display frame Installation and User’s Guide
installing your SMART Board interactive display frame on your flat-panel display.
To connect your
interactive display frame
Rotate your SMART Mobile Stand’s height-adjustment handle to raise
your flat-panel display frame to its highest position.
Working inside your SMART Mobile Stand’s cabinet from the back, secure your
SMART Board interactive display frame’s controller box to the mounting holes
on the left side of the connection panel with the four screws included in your
stand’s accessory kit.
Ensure that the controller box’s LEDs face downward.