Installing your smart hub se240 – Smart Technologies FSSBID 100 User Manual
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M O D E L F S S B I D 1 0 0 H : C O N N E C T I N G D E V I C E S I N S I D E Y O U R S M A R T M O B I L E
S T A N D ’ S C A B I N E T
99-00962-20 REV C0
Installing Your SMART Hub SE240
Perform the following procedure to install a SMART Hub SE240 in your
FSSBID 100H’s cabinet, using the washers and screws that you received
with your stand.
Do not follow the installation instructions included with your
SMART Hub SE240.
When you configure your SMART Mobile Stand for a rack mount,
you can also install your SMART Hub SE240 in the top rack mount position
(see Configuring a Rack Mount on page 69).
To install your
If the shelves are already installed in your SMART Mobile Stand, remove them
from the cabinet, and then remove the eight shelf clips.
If you need instructions for removing your rear access panels,
see steps 1 to 3 in Appendix A: Configuring a Rack Mount on page 69.
Align the base of a SMART Hub SE240 mounting bracket to the top of the
front left corner and rear right corner of your hub (when viewed from its
connection face), as shown in the following image.