3Com 3C389 User Manual
Page 39

Using Memory Management
2 Make a note of the name of the directory (default is
LSP) where the LSP is installed. You will have to
specify this name when LANAID asks for the
directory containing your LSP.INI file during step 2.
Also, if you are using a locally administered address,
edit the LSP.INI file and add:
is the 12-digit hexadecimal
3 Configure the 3C389 PC Card using the LANAID
program (See Chapter 4).
4 If LANAID is not already installed, go to the section
“Installing LANAID” in Chapter 4.
5 After LANAID is installed, continue with Chapter 4
“Using LANAID to Configure the 3C389 PC Card.”
When you get to the panel that asks for the existing
network operating system, select IBM LSP/Native.
Using Memory Management
If you are using Card and Socket Services, the
program will default to Autoset mode, which allows
the LAN driver to negotiate with Card and Socket
Services for available resources. LANAID will allow you
to select values for resources to be used by your
3C389 PC Card such as Interrupt, memory, and I/O
Base Address.
If you are not using Card and Socket Services in
Autoset mode, you must ensure that the values that
you select for Interrupt, MMIO, and SRAM do not
conflict with those for other PC Cards and resources
installed in your PC (such as video, sound, COM port).
If you are using EMM386, in most cases the memory
exclusions will be automatically handled by LANAID. If
you are using a memory manager, you must exclude the
memory ranges being used by your 3C389 PC Card
(8 KB default).
IBM LAN Support Program/Native Installation is complete.