Inverter loads, Problem loads, Trouble loads – Xantrex Technology PROwatt 600 User Manual
Page 34: Problem loads trouble loads

Inverter Loads
Inverter Loads
The PROwatt 600 will operate most AC loads within its
power rating (600 watts / 5 amps). However, some appliances
and equipment may be difficult to operate, and other
appliances may actually be damaged if you try to operate
them with the PROwatt 600. Please read
Problem Loads
S o m e in d u c tio n m o to rs u se d in fre e z e rs , p u m p s, a n d o th e r
m o to r-o p e ra te d e q u ip m e n t n e e d h ig h s u rg e c u rre n ts to s ta rt.
T h e P R O w a tt 6 0 0 m a y n o t b e a b le to sta rt so m e o f th e se
m o to rs e v e n th o u g h th e ir ra te d c u rre n t d ra w is w ith in th e
P R O w a tt’s lim its . T h e P R O w a tt 6 0 0 w ill n o rm a lly s ta rt
sin g le -p h a s e in d u c tio n m o to rs ra te d a t 1 /4 h o rse p o w e r o r le s s.
Trouble Loads
Some appliances, including the types listed below, may be
damaged if they are connected to the PROwatt 600:
Electronics that modulate RF (radio frequency) signals
on the AC line will not work and may be damaged.
Speed controllers found in some fans, kitchen appliances,
and other loads may be damaged.
Some rechargers for small nickel-cadmium batteries can
be damaged if connected to the PROwatt 600. See
“Precautions For Using Rechargeable Appliances” on
page ix
for further details.
If you are unsure about powering any device with the
PROwatt 600, contact the manufacturer of the device.
Some equipment may be damaged by the
PROwatt 600’s quasi-square wave output.