Adobe distiller and fonts, Acrobat distiller versions prior to 6.0, Acrobat distiller 6.0 and later – Xerox 5 User Manual

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VI PDF Originator User’s Guide

FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)


Adobe Distiller and fonts

All the fonts required for your VIPP job must be in a location where Distiller can find them.
Failure to do so will result in font substitution warnings in the VIPO Server log and console


Run job 'billb.lm': distill
Distill Warning: Helvetica-Condensed not found,
using Font Substitution. Font cannot be embedded.
'billb.lm' complete (with warnings):1 pages
distilled, 0 pages split, 0 files generated

Even though the VIPP job may have been processed successfully, any font substitution
can affect the appearance of your finished job.

Acrobat Distiller versions prior to 6.0

Specify where Distiller will look for fonts via the Distiller graphical user interface (GUI).
Select Start>Programs>Acrobat Distiller x.x to invoke the Distiller GUI, then choose
Font Locations from the Settings drop-down menu. More information about Distiller
options can be accessed through the Distiller GUI; select Acrobat Guide from the Help
drop-down menu.

Acrobat Distiller 6.0 and later

With version 6.0 the Distiller Server installer no longer installs fonts in the C:\Program
Files\Adobe\Acrobat x.x\Resource\Font
directory as in previous versions. Instead, fonts
are installed in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Distillr\Data\Fonts, and Asian fonts
in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Distillr\Data\psdisk\fonts.

This change in font setup can cause some VI PDF Originator job submissions to fail for
one of these reasons:

The Distiller installation does not set these font folders as part of the “Font
Locations” setting; it sets the default font location to the ..\Resource\Font directory.
The fix for this is to manually add the two new font locations using the Distiller GUI

There may be references in your job to the Symbol font (/NSY), which does not exist
in the Distiller 6.0 fontset, and has no font substitution. The references to the
Symbol font may cause job submission failure even after adding the new font
locations. A simple fix for this problem is to copy the Symbol font files from the
Acrobat Reader fontset.

Job submission failures due to the change in font setup will not occur if Acrobat Reader
is installed in the same program folder as Acrobat Distiller because the ..\Resource\Font
directory installed with Acrobat Reader is shared with Distiller.