User instructions, Warning, Using the appliance for the first time – Yeoman DEVON 50 User Manual

Page 6: Condensation, Recommended fuels

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useR InstRuctIons


Properly installed, operated and maintained this

appliance will not emit fumes into the room.

Occasional fumes from de-ashing and refuelling may occur.

Persistent fume emission is potentially dangerous and

must not be tolerated.

If fume emission does persist:

Open doors and windows to ventilate the room.

Allow fire to burn out or safely dispose of fuel from the


Check for chimney blockage and clean if required.

Do not attempt to relight until the cause of the emission

has been identified and corrected.

If necessary seek expert advice.

all open flued appliances can be affected by

temporary atmospheric conditions which may

allow fumes to enter the house. Because of this it is

recommended that an electronic carbon monoxide

detector conforming to Bsen50291 be fitted and


2. usInG tHe aPPlIance FoR tHe

FIRst tIMe

2.1 To allow the appliance to settle and fixing glues and paint

to fully cure:

Operate the appliance at a low temperature for first few


2.2 do not touch the paint during the first period of use.

2.3 During this time the appliance may give off some

unpleasant odours:

Keep the room well ventilated to avoid a build-up of



cautIon WHen FIllInG

2.4 When filling the boiler with water for the first time, the cold

water entering the water jacket can cause condensation to

form on the surfaces of the appliance (inside and outside).

2.5 In certain conditions this condensation could result in a

considerable amount of water, in some cases enough to fill

the bottom of the appliance. This could be even worse if

the house has recently been re-decorated, wet plastered or

any other work has been undertaken which could result in

high humidity.

2.6 Precautions must be taken to ensure that this build up of

condensate does not overflow from the appliance onto any

surrounding fabric of the room e.g. carpets.

note - tHIs condensatIon Is noRMal duRInG

FIllInG and does not IndIcate a Faulty oR

leaKInG stov


noRMal RunnInG

2.7 During normal running this condensation should be minimal

if the system is fitted with the low limit thermostat as

detailed in 1.22 (above). This low limit thermostat prevents

the system pump from running until the stove has reached


seasonal use

2.8 If this appliance is unused for lengthy periods of time it

should be periodically checked to ensure that condensation

is not building up within the stove.

note – tHIs condensatIon Is noRMal and does

not IndIcate a Faulty oR leaKInG stove


If the stove is going to be unused for very long periods of

time it is recommended to drain the system.

3. RecoMMended Fuels

3.1 Wood logs:

Burn only seasoned timber with a moisture content of less

than 20%. To ensure this allow cut wood to dry for 12 to

18 months.

Wood length



Wood length

Yeoman Devon


Yeoman County 60


Yeoman County 80


Dry cut wood for 12 to 18 months before use.

Poor quality timber:

Causes low combustion efficiency.

Produces harmful condensation.

Reduces effectiveness of the airwash and life of the


do not burn construction timber, painted, impregnated

/ treated wood, manufactured board products or pallet

