User instructions, Seasonal use, Troubleshooting tips – Yeoman DEVON 50 User Manual

Page 13

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16. seasonal use

16.1 Clean and service the appliance if it is not used during the

warmer periods of the year as detailed in the Maintenance

and Servicing section.

16.2 Set the air controls 50% open to keep the appliance

ventilated and stop the build-up of any moisture inside.

16.3 Before re-lighting the appliance:

Remove the baffle.

Clear any debris that may have accumulated.

Check the flue is clear of any blockages.

16.4 If this appliance is unused for lengthy periods of time it

should be periodically checked to ensure that condensation

is not building up within the stove.

note – tHIs condensatIon Is noRMal and does

not IndIcate a Faulty oR leaKInG stove


16.5 If the stove is going to be unused for very long periods of

time it is recommended to drain the system.

17. tRouBlesHootInG tIPs

17.1 stove glass blackening

This has four possible causes:


Incorrect use of airwash

See User Instructions, Sections 1, 4 and 5 for the correct

use of the air controls.


Burning unseasoned wood

See User Instructions, Section 3 to identify when wood is

ready for burning.


stove operated at too low a temperature

A stove pipe thermometer can identify this problem (Stovax

part no. 3046). the ideal working temperature range is

130°C - 250°C (270°F - 480°F). Failing to close down the

Primary Air Control once the appliance has heated up to

this range may cause the appliance to exceed the ideal

temperature range and to over-fire. Over-firing can cause

permanent damage to the appliance and invalidates your

warranty. Burn with the Airwash Control fully open for

approximately 20 minutes to cure this.

The problem may be caused by damping down the

appliance during periods of extended burning.


Problems with the flue,

in particular insufficient air pull.

If the flue is not working efficiently the glass can blacken.

A flue which has too much downdraft may be too short,

needs lining, or has too many bends. This can also cause

blackening of the stove glass. Contact the installer or a flue

specialist for advice.

17.2 Riddling mechanism jamming

This occurs when fine ash builds up under the riddling bars

preventing movement. To prevent this:

Follow a regular cleaning routine for the inside of your


Lift out the riddling mechanism and remove all ash.

Replace riddling mechanism when cleaning is complete.

17.3 Glass cracking

Do not over tighten the screws on the glass clips when

replacing the glass. This causes stress and the intense

temperature changes can cause the glass to crack. For

replacement glass contact your local Yeoman retailer.

17.4 appliance is producing tar

This can be identified by:

A very strong pungent smell shortly after the appliance is

lit and heats up.

Glass blackening.

Thick, brown, sticky tar oozing from the pipe joints.

This is caused by burning damp wood and running the

appliance at too low a temperature.

Use well seasoned wood and operate the appliance within

the ideal temperature range.

tar is a major cause of chimney fires

. If the appliance

experiences problems with tar build up consult a chimney

sweep before continued use of the appliance.

17.5 all or some of the radiators do not get hot

Burning wood

Wood is burning too


Open up the airwash to make

a hotter fire

If fitted set the thermostat to a

higher setting

Burn dryer wood

Burn better quality wood

Reduce ashbed to 1" thick

Burning Solid

Mineral fuels

Fuel is burning too


Open up the primary air to

make a hotter fire. If fitted,

set the thermostat to a higher


The fire needs riddling to

remove ash. De-ash the fire

Empty the ash pan.

All Fuels

Stove is not producing

much heat.

Not enough fuel.

System faults

Bleed the radiators to ensure

there are no air locks.

Incorrect system design seek

professional assistance

Too many radiators in the

system exceeding the stoves


17.6 In the unlikely event of a problem that cannot be solved

by these tips contact your installer or retailer for help.

useR InstRuctIons