Operation – York DM150 User Manual
Page 40

Unitary Products Group
For the Predator
series of units, the thermostat makes a cir-
cuit between "R" and "Y1" for the first stage of cooling.
The call is passed to the Unit Control Board (UCB), which
then determines whether the requested operation is available
and, if so, which components to energize.
For gas heating, the UCB monitors the "W1" call but does not
handle the operation of the gas furnace. An ignition control
board controls the gas heater operation. For electric heat
units, the UCB passes the call to the electric heater. In both
cases, when the "W1" call is sensed, the indoor air blower is
energized following a specified heating delay.
If at any time a call for both heating and cooling are present,
the heating operation will be performed. If operating, the cool-
ing system is halted as with a completion of a call for cooling.
Heating always takes priority.
By setting the room thermostat fan switch to "ON," the supply
air blower will operate continuously.
With the room thermostat fan switch set to "AUTO" and the
system switch set to either the "AUTO" or "HEAT" settings,
the blower is energized whenever a cooling or heating opera-
tion is requested. The blower is energized after any specified
delay associated with the operation.
When energized, the indoor blower has a minimum run time
of 30 seconds. Additionally, the indoor blower has a delay of
10 seconds between operations.
When the thermostat calls for the first stage of cooling, the
low-voltage control circuit from “R” to “Y1” and “G” is com-
pleted. The UCB energizes the economizer (if installed and
free cooling is available) or the first available compressor
and the condenser fans. For first stage cooling, compressor
#1 is energized. If compressor #1 is unavailable, compressor
#2 is energized. After completing the specified fan on delay
for cooling, the UCB will energize the blower motor.
When the thermostat calls for the second stage of cooling,
the low-voltage control circuit from “R” to “Y2” is completed.
The control board energizes the first available compressor. If
free cooling is being used for the first stage of cooling, com-
pressor #1 is energized. If compressor #1 is active for first
stage cooling or the first compressor is locked-out, compres-
sor #2 is energized. In free-cooling mode, if the call for the
second stage of cooling continues for 20 minutes, compres-
sor #2 is energized, provided it has not been locked-out.
If there is an initial call for both stages of cooling, the UCB will
delay energizing compressor #2 by 30 seconds in order to
avoid a power rush.
Once the thermostat has been satisfied, it will de-energize Y1
and Y2. If the compressors have satisfied their minimum run
times, the compressors and condenser fans are de-ener-
gized. Otherwise, the unit operates each cooling system until
the minimum run times for the compressors have been com-
pleted. Upon the final compressor de-energizing, the blower
is stopped following the elapse of the fan off delay for cooling.
* To be available, a compressor must not be locked-out due
to a high or low-pressure switch or freezestat trip and the
Anti-Short Cycle Delay (ASCD) must have elapsed.
When the room thermostat calls for "first-stage" cooling, the
low voltage control circuit from "R" to "G" and "Y1" is com-
pleted. The UCB energizes the blower motor (if the fan switch
on the room thermostat is set in the "AUTO" position) and
drives the economizer dampers from fully closed to their min-
imum position. If the enthalpy of the outdoor air is below the
set point of the enthalpy controller (previously determined),
"Y1" energizes the economizer. The dampers will modulate to
maintain a constant supply air temperature as monitored by
the discharge air sensor. If the outdoor air enthalpy is above
the set point, "Y1" energizes compressor #1.
When the thermostat calls for "second-stage" cooling, the low
voltage control circuit from "R" to "Y2" is completed. The UCB
energizes the first available compressor. If the enthalpy of the
outdoor air is below the set point of the enthalpy controller
(i.e. first stage has energized the economizer), "Y2" will ener-
gize compressor #1. If the outdoor air is above the set point,
"Y2" will energize compressor #2.
Once the thermostat has been satisfied, it will de-energize
“Y1” and “Y2”. If the compressors have satisfied their mini-
mum run times, the compressors and condenser fans are de-
energized. Otherwise, the unit operates each cooling system
until the minimum run times for the compressors have been
completed. Upon the final compressor de-energizing, the
blower is stopped following the elapse of the fan off delay for
cooling, and the economizer damper goes to the closed posi-
tion. If the unit is in continues fan operation, the economizer
damper goes to the minimum position.
The operation with the dual enthalpy sensors is identical to
the single sensor except that a second enthalpy sensor is
mounted in the return air. This return air sensor allows the
economizer to choose between outdoor air and return air,
whichever has the lowest enthalpy value, to provide maxi-
mum operating efficiency.