ZyXEL Communications 56K User Manual

Page 52

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User's Guide for ZyXEL Omni 56K and Omni 56K Plus Modems


n=5:Page is good; procedure
interrupt is requested.


Flow Control Select

n=0:No flow control
n=1:Sets XON/ XOFF software
flow control
n=2:Sets CTS/RTS hardware flow


Serial Port Rate Control

n=0:Automatic DTE rate detection
by the DCE
n>0:Serial rate is fixed at the value
multiplied by 2400 bps.


Phase C Data Bit Order

n=0:Selects direct bit order
n=1:Selects reversed bit order


Phase C Received EOL alignment n=0:EOL patterns are as received


Capability to Receive

n=0:Not receive message data or
poll a remote device.
n=1: Receives message data or
poll a remote device.


Copy Quality disable/enable

rq= 0:Receive copy quality check is
rq=1:Receive copy quality check is
tq= 0:Transmit copy quality check
is disable.
tq=1:Transmit copy quality check is


Receive Quality Thresholds

pgl= 0-64h:Specifies the
percentage of good lines
cbl= 0-ffh:Specifies the maximum
tolerable number of consecutive
bad lines.


Adaptive Answer Mode

n=0:Answers as set by +FCLASS
n=1:Answers and auto-determines
the call type.


Phase C Timeout

n=0-ffh,1 sec units


Minimum Phase C Speed

n=0:2400 bps
n=1:4800 bps
n=2:7200 bps
n=3:9600 bps
n=4:12000 bps
n=5:14400 bps


Buffer Size
