Delete recorded video, Print or save recorded video, Send email – WiLife V 1.5 User Manual

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Using the Werks Application

LukWerks User Guide


choose Protect Video Segment. You can easily identify a protected video segment because it will show red

rather than green in the navigation window. (See Managing Disk Usage in the chapter on Werks Options for

more details on disk space usage.)

Note: You can also protect a video segment by right-clicking on a green video segment in the
timeline and selecting Protect Video.

When two or more consecutive video segments are protected, the timeline will display them using
two different shades of red, as is shown here.

Delete Recorded Video

To quickly delete a video segment that you do not want to keep in your library,

navigate to the segment so that it is paused in the playback window. Next, right-click

on the video window to reveal the playback context menu and choose Delete Video


Print or Save Recorded Video

Printing or saving (save as) a video is simple. First, navigate to the segment so that it is paused in the playback

window. Next, right-click on the video window to reveal the playback context menu and choose the Print

Current Frame, Save Current Frame, or Save Current Segment option. If printing, you will be asked which

printer to use. If saving, you will be asked to specify a location and file name for the frame or segment.

Send Email

Note: The Mail Server must be configured on the Setup > Email screen before you can use this

In the Playback mode, right-click on any video

panel and select the option “Send Email” from the

list of options. The E-mail Recording Video window

displays. This screen allows you to distinguish

what type of email you are sending and to whom

you will send it. These are your options:

Send selected still frame, first 10 seconds

of video, or the entire video segment

Select or enter which email addresses to

send video

Add a comment for the email

The E-mail Recipient(s) section works like the E-

mail Alert list on the Email Setup screen, with

Add/Edit/Remove buttons. By default, the E-mail

recipient(s) list displays the addresses entered in

Email Alert list, found on the Email tab screen of

Setup. If you add and/or modify the list of

addresses in this dialog window, the system