VistaQuest N7227V5 User Manual
Page 30

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10. Mark the zone number on the transmitter.
11. After the transmitter has been entered into the
system, press [
] to continue.
Typical summary display
Zn ZT – RC In:
20 03
– 3C RF: –
A summary of the programmed values for the
selected zone will now be displayed
If all is okay, press [
] for the next display.
P r o g r a m
A lph a ?
No 1
Ye s
Alpha descriptors for the zones can be done
now, or may be done at a later time using
interactive mode (enter “0”).
Refer to
for performing this procedure in the
interactive menu mode.
En te r Zn Nu m .
( 0 0 = Q u it)
2 1
If “0” (no) was entered in response to the
P r o g r a m A lph a ?
question, a prompt will
then be displayed for entry of the number for the
next wireless zone to be programmed.
12. Proceed with the programming of the next
wireless zone, starting at step 5 again.
13. To exit field
56 when completed, key [0 ][0] at
the “Enter Zone Number” prompt.
14. Exit the programming mode by keying
Special Notes on Zone
Programming (5700 RF
In field *56, at the summary line for each zone, the entered values can be
checked. If you wish to change anything, press [#] to move to the pre vious
entry. Press [#] a number of times to move to earlier entries. Press [
] to
move to later entries again.
Zone entries can be reviewed by pressing [#][5][6]. Changes cannot be
made here, so this is safer for review. Enter the first zone number to be
viewed and press [#]. To view each zone, press [#] and the zone number
will advance to the next programmed zone. When the end of the list is
reached, press [0][0] to exit. This method of exiting may also be done at any
time during the review.
To either temporarily or permanently remove a zone from the system, go
into programming mode and press [
][5][6]. Enter the zone num ber and
press [
]. At the Zone Type prompt, enter [0][0] and [
]. This sets the type
of the zone to Not Used. The next prompt will be "Delete Zone?". "Yes" will
permanently re move the zone from the system, while "No" will disable it but
re tain all data except the original zone type. You can then go back to this
zone later and put back an active Zone Type to re-enable it.
Go/No Go Test
Before mounting transmitters permanently, conduct Go/No Go tests to verify
adequate signal strength and reorient or relocate transmitters if necessary.
During this mode, wireless receiver gain is reduced by 50%. Testing in this
mode assists in determining good mounting locations for the transmitters and
verifies that the RF transmission has sufficient signal amplitude margin for the
installed system.
1. Enter the Installer Code + # + 4
2. Once transmitters are placed in their desired locations and the approximate
length of wire to be run to sensors is connected to the transmitter's screw
terminals, fault each transmitter.
Do not conduct this test with your hand
wrapped around the transmitter as this will cause inaccurate results.
• The keypad will beep three times to indicate signal reception.