7 date/time, 7 upgrading the firmware, Administation – Tripp Lite B020-016-17-IP User Manual
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7.7 Upgrading the Firmware
7.6.7 Date/Time
7.6.6 Customization (continued)
7. Administation
7.6 Administration Page
Reset on exit
Select this check box to reset the KVM switch and implement new settings when you log out. Following a reset, wait one to two
minutes before logging back in.
Note: For some changes the Reset on exit check box is automatically selected and the KVM switch will reset when you log out. Clearing the check mark before logging out will cause the new settings to be
Reset Values
Clicking this button undoes all changes that have been made to the Configuration and Administration pages (except for port
names, usernames, and passwords) and returns the parameters to the original factory default settings (see section 14.2, OSD
Factory Default Settings).
Clear Name List
This function clears the Port Names on the Main page.
The Date/Time dialog box lets the Administrator set up the KVM switch’s
time parameters:
As new versions of the NetDirector Console KVM Switch with IP Access
firmware become available, they can be downloaded from our Website at
Note: Although upgrading the firmware isn’t on the OSD Administration page, it is an adminis-
trative function, so we will discuss it in this chapter.
To upgrade the firmware, do the following:
Download the new firmware file to a computer that is not part of your
KVM switch installation.
From that computer, open your browser and log in to the NetDirector
Console KVM Switch with IP Access (see section 8.1, Logging In).
Click the
Firmware icon (see section 8.2, Webpage Layout) to open the
Firmware configuration
dialog box:
Browse; navigate to the directory that the new firmware file is in
and select the file.
After the upload completes, click the
Logout icon to exit and reset the
KVM switch.
Log Page
Clicking the Log tab brings up the contents of the log file. The log file is
discussed in Chapter 11.
If your country or region employs Daylight Saving Time (Summer
Time), check the corresponding box.
To establish the time zone that the KVM switch is located in, drop down
the Time Zone list and choose the city that most closely corresponds to
where it is at.
To set the year and day, use the Calendar graphic.
Clicking < or > moves you backward or forward by one month incre-
Clicking << or >> moves you backward or forward by one year incre-
In the calendar, click on the day.
To set the time, use the 24 hour HH:MM:SS format.
Synchronize to save your settings.