Mixing – Toastmaster 1143S User Manual

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S eve ral different kinds of doughs can be mixed using the mixing progra m . R e m ove dough and fo l l ow
directions with the recipe to complete the baking/cooking.

• The ingredient stir beep is at [:09] for the mixing progra m . It is ve ry important that you assist the bread-

m a ker in the stirring process at this time.After removing the pan, use a ru bber spatula to gently scra p e
the ingredients from the sides and corners of the pan and fold into the wet mixture. R e t u rn the pan to
the machine to complete the progra m .

• Because cookie dough is more difficult to wo rk with, it may be necessary to repeat part or all of the

mixing progra m . Remember to check the batter at the stir beep and assist when necessary.

• Although the delay timer is an option for this cycle, our ex p e rience has shown the recipes included do

not mix well when delaye d . You may find one of your recipes may wo rk well therefo r e, we have give n
you delay as an option.

P a s t a

milk 80°F/27°C

3/4 cup

o i l

6 T B L

s a l t

1/4 tsp

semolina (pasta) flour

2 cups

P ro g r a m

1 2

1 . R e m ove the bread pan from the breadmake r. Attach the kneading blade onto the shaft. M a ke sure

all ingr e d i e n t s, except wa t e r, are at room tempera t u r e.

2 . Use a liquid measuring cup to measure the milk (80°F/27°C) and pour into the bread pan.
3 . Use a measuring spoon to measure the oil and add to the bread pan.
4 . Use a measuring spoon to measure the salt; l evel off with the straight edge of a knife and add to

the bread pan.

5 . Lightly spoon semolina (pasta) flour into a dry measuring cup, level off with the straight edge of a

k n i fe and add to the bread pan.

6 . Smooth into all corn e r s. Lightly tap pan on counter 3 times to settle all ing r e d i e n t s.
7 . Press door release to open door and slide the bread pan into the breadmaker under the ra i l s. C l o s e

the door.

8 . Select MIXING PROGRAM #12, press STA RT.
9 . At the stir beep [ :06], use a spatula to fold in any flour from around the sides of the pan.

1 0 . Use bread pan handle and oven mitts to carefully remove the bread pan at end of kneading/

m i x i n g .

1 1 . Tu rn bread pan upside down and shake seve ral times to remove the dough onto a lightly floured

s u r fa c e.

1 2 . Using a rolling pin, on a floured surfa c e, roll out dough to about 1/8 inch thick n e s s. Cut dough into

s t rips about 1/2 inch wide.

1 3 . Add to 6 cups of boiling liquid and cook 10-15 minutes or until tender.DO NOT OVER COOK. D ra i n

we l l .


after each use, DO NOT IMMERSE THE BREAD PAN IN WAT E R . (See cleaning instru c t i o n s. )
Clean inside of breadmaker after each use.

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