Freezing dough – Toastmaster 1143S User Manual

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Freezing Dough

At the end of the dough program, you may remove the dough and freeze it for baking at a later time. Fo rm
the dough into the desired shape and immediately freeze for one hour to harden. R e m ove from the
f r e e ze r and wrap in plastic wra p. N ext, place it in a plastic bag and seal. Dough can be kept in the freeze r
for up to four we e k s. T h aw the dough in plastic bag in the refri g e rator ove rnight or for seve ral hours.
Unwrap and place on baking container. Cover and let stand in warm, draft free place until double the
original s i ze. Because the dough is not room tempera t u r e, you will find it takes longer than usual to ri s e.
B a ke according to recipe instru c t i o n s.

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