Foccacia dough – Toastmaster 1143S User Manual
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Foccacia Dough
1 loaf
water 80°F/27°C
1 cup
o l i ve oil
1/3 cup
s u g a r
2 tsp
s a l t
1 tsp
bread flour
3 cups
Italian seasoning
1 tsp
a c t i ve dry ye a s t
1 1/2 tsp
P ro g r a m
1 1
Garlic-Cheese To p p i n g :
o l i ve oil
1/4 cup
oregano leave s, dri e d
1 1/2 tsp
g a rl i c, coarsely chopped
1/3 cup
Pa rmesan cheese, gra t e d
1/3 cup
s a l t
1/4 tsp
Greek Style To p p i n g :
o l i ve oil
1/4 cup
oregano leave s, dri e d
1 1/2 tsp
onion, thinly sliced
1 cup
Feta cheese, cru m bl e d
1/3 cup
bl a ck olive s, sliced — dra i n e d
1/4 cup
s a l t
1/4 tsp
M e t h o d
1 . With oiled hands, evenly press dough into a greased 9 x 13 inch pan. Using your fingert i p s,
m a ke indentations in the dough.
2 . C ove r; let rise in a wa rm place for 20 minutes or until almost double in size.While the dough is
rising, select the topping and prepare.
3 . In a skillet, heat oil.
For garlic-cheese topping — stir in oregano and garlic then immediately remove from
h e a t .
For Greek topping — add onions and cook until onions are soft but not brown, approx i-
mately 5 minu t e s.
4 . Spoon topping mixture evenly over dough. S p rinkle with remaining ingr e d i e n t s.
5 . B a ke at 400°F/205°C for 20 minutes or until done.