French bread dough – Toastmaster 1143S User Manual
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French Bread Dough
( French Onion Bread, French Loaf, French Rolls and French Tw i s t s )
water 80°F/27°C
1 1/4 cups
s u g a r
1 T B L
s a l t
1 tsp
bread flour
3 1/2 cups
a c t i ve dry ye a s t
1 T B L
P ro g r a m
1 0
G l a ze :
wa t e r
2 T B L
s a l t
1/2 tsp
M e t h o d
1 . Place on a lightly floured surfa c e. Roll into a large rectangle. S t a rting with the longest side, roll
up tightly, pressing the seams to seal and tapering each end.
2 . Place the loaf on a greased baking sheet, cover and let rise in a wa rm place 40 minutes or until
d o u ble in size.
3 . With a knife, cut three diagonal slashes across top of the loaf. Combine the glaze ingr e d i e n t s.
B rush the loaf generously. B a ke at 400°F/205°C 20 to 25 minu t e s, or until done.
Va r i a t i o n s
F r e n ch Onion Bread: Add 1/4 cup dehy d rated onion to dough recipe and shape according to
method above.
F r e n ch Loaf: Instead of method 1, shape the dough into one large round ball. C o n t i nue methods 2
and 3 above. B a ke at 400°F/205°C 20 to 25 minutes or until done.
T i p : If desired, brush with glaze and sprinkle loaf before baking with one of the fo l l ow i n g :
sesame seeds, poppy seeds, caraway seeds or cra cked wheat.
F r e n ch Rolls: Instead of method 1, divide into 12 pieces. Pinch together the ends of each roll and
taper slightly. C o n t i nue methods 2 and 3 as above. B a ke at 400°F/205°C for 15 to 20 minutes or until
d o n e.
F r e n ch Tw i s t s : Use recipe above.
M e t h o d
1 . Place on a lightly floured surfa c e. Divide into 18 equal pieces. Roll into 14 inch ropes.
2 . Fold each rope in half and twist, starting at fo l d .
3 . Place on a greased baking sheet and brush with 1/3 cup melted bu t t e r. C over and let rise in a
wa rm place until double in size.
4 . B rush with glaze and bake at 400°F/205°C for 12 to 15 minutes or until done.