Table 6 on, Table 6 – Toshiba W7 User Manual

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W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual

Table 6. Discrete Input Terminal Assignment Selections and Descriptions.

Unassigned — No operation.

Forward — Enables Forward operation commands.

Reverse — Enables Reverse operation commands.

Standby — Enables the Forward and Reverse operation commands (maybe disabled at ST Selection).

Reset — Resets the device and any incurred faults.

Set Speed 1 — The LSB of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.

Set Speed 2 — The second bit of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.

Set Speed 3 — The third bit of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.

Set Speed 4 — The MSB of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.

JogJog is the term used to describe turning on the motor for small increments of time and is used when precise
positioning of motor-driven equipment is required. This terminal activates a Jog for the duration of activation. The Jog Run
and Stop Control may be set from the (Program


Freq Settings menu.

Emergency Off — Terminates the output signal from the ASD and may apply a brake if so configured. The braking method
may be selected at the (Program

⇒ Protection ⇒)

Emg Off Mode Sel parameter.

DC Braking — The ASD outputs a DC current that is applied to the stator windings of the motor to quickly brake the motor.

A/D 1/2 (Accel/Decel 1-to-2 Switching) — Acceleration and Deceleration control may be switched between the #1 profile
and the #2 profile if using a multiple-accel/decel profile configuration.

A/D 3/4 (Accel/Decel 3-to-4 Switching) — Acceleration and Deceleration control may be switched between the #3 profile
and the #4 profile if using a multiple-accel/decel profile configuration.

Motor 1/2 (Motor 1-to-2 Switching) — Motor control may be switched between the Motor #1 profile and the Motor #2
profile if using a multiple-motor profile configuration.

Motor 3/4 (Motor 3-to-4 Switching) — Motor control may be switched between the Motor #3 profile and the Motor #4
profile if using a multiple-motor profile configuration.

Torque Lim 1/2 (Torque Limit 1-to-2 Switching) — Torque control may be switched between the Torque Limit #1 profile
and the Torque Limit #2 profile if using a multiple-profile configuration.

Torque Lim 3/4 (Torque Limit 3-to-4 Switching) — Torque control may be switched between the Torque Limit #3 profile
and the Torque Limit #4 profile if using a multiple-profile configuration.

PID (Control) Off — Activating this terminal turns off PID control. Terminal activation overrides the settings of the Input
Feedback Select
parameter and the Panel PID Control parameter.

Reserved — No operation.

Reserved — No operation.

Reserved — No operation.

Reserved — No operation.

Reserved — No operation.

Reserved — No operation.

Jog Forward (Forced) — This setting initiates a Forced Forward Jog when activated. The Forced Forward Jog command
provides a forward-run signal for the duration of the activation (the status of the F or R terminals is ignored). The Jog Run
and Stop Control may be set from the (Program


Freq Settings menu.

Jog Reverse (Forced) — This setting initiates a Forced Reverse Jog when activated. The Forced Reverse Jog command
provides a reverse-run signal for the duration of the activation (the status of the F or R terminals is ignored). The Jog Run
and Stop Control may be set from the (Program


Freq Settings menu.

Binary Bit 0 — Bit 0 – 7 may be set up as a speed/torque control register. Speed/torque settings may be applied to this group
of terminals in binary form. The required number of input terminals should be set to the respective binary bit settings (0 –
MSB). The Frequency Mode setting must be set to Use Binary/BCD input.

The gain and bias of the binary input may be set from the following path: Program

Freq Settings (see

BIN Speed

Frequency Setpoint #1

for further information on this setting.