Oki 390 User Manual
Page 82

ML390/391 Turbo Printer Handbook
Page Length. 11” (factory default), 11
”, 12”, 14”, 17”, 3”, 3.5”, 4”, 5.5”, 6”, 7”, 8”,
8.5”. Selects the length of the paper you’ll be using in your printer. This enables the
printer to keep track of the initial printing position on each page (Top of Form).
Page Length Control. Choose page length control system for SASF mode.
by Actual Page Length ..... Control page length by actual physical page length.
by Menu Setting ................ Control page length by logical page length.
Page Width. Appears in Menu for wide-carriage model only. Choose a page width of
13.6” (factory default) or 8”.
Paper out Override. No (factory default) or Yes. The paper out detector senses when
less than an inch of paper remains in the printer and stops printing at that point.
Changing this setting to Yes overrides the detector so you can print closer to the bot-
tom of the page if you’re using single sheets. Be careful if you use this feature: it lets
the printer continue printing when there’s no more paper, which can cause loss of
data and may damage the printhead.
Parity. Appears only if optional Serial Interface is installed. None (factory default),
Odd, or Even. Selects the type of parity your system uses.
Pin 18. +5V (factory default) or Open. Sets the signal on pin 18.
Pitch. 10 cpi (factory default), 12 cpi, 15 cpi, 17.1 cpi, or 20 cpi. Selects the character
width measured in characters per inch (cpi).
Print Mode. LQ Courier (factory default), LQ Roman, LQ Swiss, LQ Swiss Bold, LQ
Orator, LQ Gothic, LQ Prestige, or Utility. Choose one of the LQ fonts for letter qual-
ity printing; choose utility for high-speed printing.
Print Registration. 0 (factory default), 0.05 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm
Left, 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right, 0.10 mm Right, or 0.05 mm Right.
Change the setting as required to obtain the best registration for bi-directional printing.
Print Suppress Effective. Yes (factory default) or No. Enables/disables print sup-
press command. The factory default enables the print suppress command: the printer
will ignore all data it receives after it accepts the print suppress command. Change to
No to cause your printer to ignore the print suppress command.