Preferences, Use night colors / use day colors, Turn off 3d display / turn on 3d display – TomTom NAVIGATOR User Manual

Page 29: Safety preferences, Safety lock, Chapter 10 preferences

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Chapter 10



You can change many things about the way your TomTom NAVIGATOR looks and

behaves. Tap Change preferences in the Main Menu.

Use night colors / Use day colors

Tap this button to reduce the brightness the of the screen and use darker colors on

the map.

When should I use this?

When it’s dark outside, it’s easier to see the screen of your NAVIGATOR if it isn’t

so bright.

To change back to a brighter screen and brighter colors on the map, tap the button

Use day colors.

Turn off 3D display / Turn on 3D display

Tap this button to view the map from above while you are navigating.

When you turn the 3D display off, you can choose whether the map should show

your direction of travel at the top, or keep north at the top. If you choose to keep

north at the top, the map will not move as your direction of travel changes.

To switch back to seeing the map from your perspective as you drive, tap Turn on

3D display.

When should I use this?

In some situations, it is easier to see the map from above. Perhaps if the roads are

very complicated or if you are walking and using your NAVIGATOR to navigate.

Safety preferences

Tap this button to set the following safety preferences:
• Safety lock
• Turn off map display

Safety lock

When you enable the safety lock, you are not able to access all buttons and

features of your NAVIGATOR while driving.

Use Night


Use day


Turn off 3D


Turn on 3D


