TOA Electronics D-901 User Manual

Page 75

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Step 3. Select the menu items [Start

→ Program → TOA Digital Audio Control → Update D-901 Firmware].

The D-901 Firmware Update screen appears.




The default communication settings are as follows:
Communication port: COM 1
Baud rate: 115200 bps
Unless otherwise necessary to change, follow Step 6.
To change the settings, follow Step 4.

Step 4. Click the Comm Settings button.

The Comm Settings screen appears.

Step 5. Set the PC's Com port the D-901 is connected to, and the Speed (baud rate*) equal to the D-901's

RS-232C transmission rate.
Click OK, then the Comm Settings screen closes.
* Set the same value as that set in Step 2.

The following screen appears after the update ends.

Step 6. Click the Update button of the D-901 Firmware Update screen.

The firmware update starts being transferred from the PC to the D-901.