Oracle Audio Technologies Oracle Retail Place 12.2 User Manual
Page 61
Setting Up a Foreign JMS Server on WebLogic Server
Installing Place Over Plan
Local JNDI Name: CommonConnectionFactory
Remote JNDI Name: CommonConnectionFactory
Configure a new Foreign JMS Topic and point it to the topic created under the
CommonJMSServer deployed on Plan.
For example,
Name: RemoteNotificationTopic
Local JNDI Name: com.profitlogic.notification.topic
Remote JNDI Name: com.profitlogic.notification.topic
Restart the servers.
Since the Place JMS configuration depends on Plan, and the two servers are started
concurrently, the following exception is logged during the start up in the Place logs
(see below). The JNDI lookup is retrieved by the Place server after start up and hence
the exception can be ignored during the start up.
Registering Application: Store set
com.profitlogic.common.notification.EventException:(1217324969224:0): JNDI lookup
failure[javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is t3://dev-app-l07:7090: Destination unreachable; nested
exception is: Connection refused; No available router to
<.......... More exceptions>
The 'com.profitlogic.notification.topic' used above is the JNDI
name of NotificationEventTopic under CommonJMSServer.
To avoid the exception, Place servers must be started
sequentially after Plan servers during startup.