Omega WI8XX-U User Manual

Page 64

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4.5 HTTPget Program

The Httpget software is used to send a single HTTP or TCP request to the Meter.

In contrast, the telnet or Hyperterminal programs allow a continuous connection

with multiple requests to be sent to the Meter.

Generally HTTPget is used for simply programming an IP address to the Meter

or for quickly obtaining a reading from a End Device.

The Meter must be configured from the "Network Setup" page so that the "TCP

Connections" indicates any number between 1 and 5. Make sure that the Port

Field number indicates 2000.

Whenever Terminal Server service (using Port 2000 by default) is required, the #

of connections must be set to a value from 1 to 5. The Terminal Server mode is

the recommended mode for the most reliable connection when operating with

NEWPORT software or with other programs supporting TCP/IP communications.

The Port 2000 access can be used with NEWPORT software and may be

needed with some Meters when you need to view readings from the web page

while simultaneously collecting data through TCP/IP communications.

4.5.1 HTTPget using Port 2000

You can setup and read the information from the Meter by using the HTTPget

program. The following program can be used to read data from the embedded

server firmware by using TCP port 2000. The command string is sent to this TCP

port, then the response can be read back from the same socket.

The HTTPget.exe file is used to setup and read information from the Meter. This

file will be automatically installed when you install the MailNotifier software

available on our website and CD.

Notes on using HTTPget :

The Httpget.exe program is installed to the windows directory (usually c:\winnt or

c:\windows) when installing the Mail Notifier software.

1). Open up a command window (or have a DOS window)

a) Click on start menu

b) Click on "Run"

c) In the dialog box that appears, type "cmd" or "command" and click on

"OK" button.

d) A command window should now appear.

2). If you now type "httpget" and press the "enter", the program options should

be displayed.

3). Next run HTTPget with the options displayed below

httpget -r -S *SR00z -C1 -q