Oracle A54857-03 User Manual

Page 17

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VRML Cartridge

VRML 2.0 standard support

platform for building and deploying business applications in VRML

VRML Data Repository that manages persistent, scalable, and secure
VRML worlds

Logic Repository ties together database triggers with the VRML event

easy-to-use mechanism for embedding dynamic content, generated by
custom scripts or SQL statements within a VRML scene

Inter-cartridge Exchange

transport-independent, stateless protocol

mirrors the HTTP request model

set of APIs to allow a cartridge to address, send, request, and receive a
response from another cartridge


IP address restriction

domain name restriction

basic authentication

digest authentication

SSL 3.0 (International version uses 40-bit key)

client-side digital ID authentication

Built-in Logging and Analysis Tools

support for clf/xlf system message formats and client-defined statistics

support for log file cycling/archiving based on size/date

support for logging into the database

graphical log analyzer tool

report generation on accesses, errors, clients, URLs, etc.

Common Gateway Interface

CGI 1.1 compliant