Icmpcode, Icmpcodeend, Delete an expression – RCA THOMSON SpeedTouchTM (Wireless) Business DSL Router User Manual

Page 59: Modify an expression, Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Packet Classification and Labelling

E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5




Delete an expression

Execute the following CLI command to delete an expression :

This command will delete the expression with the name ftp and index 2. An index
number needs to be provided as an expression name can have more than one index.
For example: there can be two expressions with the name ftp.

The first with name=ftp index=1 and dst-prt=20

The second with name=ftp index=2 and dst-prt=21

The command above will only delete the expression with name ftp and index 2.

Modify an expression

A created expression can be modified by using the


command. With the

modify command all the parameters that can be configured with the add command
can be modified.

icmpcode value


number (0..15)

A number can be used to define an expression related
to the ICMP code. This value is used to define the start
of the ICMP code range.

icmpcodeend value


number (0..15)

A number can be used to define an expression related
to the ICMP code. This value is used to define the end
of the ICMP code range.

{Administrator}=>:expr delete name ftp index 2