5 packet classification and labelling, Introduction, In this chapter – RCA THOMSON SpeedTouchTM (Wireless) Business DSL Router User Manual

Page 31: Packet classification and labelling, Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Packet Classification and Labelling

E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5


5 Packet Classification and Labelling


This chapter will explain in detail how packets are classified. This classification is
configured via rules in a packet filter mechanism.
When a packet hits a rule, it will be marked with the label that is associated with this
rule. Like this, packets with certain properties can be given a common name.
Next to the name of the label, also some parameters are linked to the packet(s).
These parameters can be QoS values, priorities and actions like ToS marking etc.

In this chapter



5.1 Classification 30

5.2 Labels 33

5.3 Rules 42

5.4 Chains 49

5.5 Expressions 52