Blackberry 6280 User Manual
Page 150

User Guide
smartcase, definition, 112
SMS messages
deleting, 28
forwarding, 26
marking opened, 35
marking unopened, 35
opening, 23
removing history, 26
replying to, 26
resending, 27
saving, 28
searching for, 32
sending, 24–26
setting options, 27
SMS number, locating, 23
Sort By field, 45, 65, 102
specified case, definition, 112
specifying search criteria, 33
Start of Day field, 98
subfolders, See bookmark folders
subject, searching by, 35
subscriber information module
card, See SIM card
table of contents, opening for file
changing status of, 101
creating, 100
deleting, 101
editing, 101
icons, 137
opening, 101
setting options, 102
technical support, 7
text telephone
definition, 68
disabling, 68
enabling, 68
icon, 135
time, setting, 114
timers, 69
Title field, 78
TLS, definition, 129
alarm, 138
applications, 139
backlighting, 138
battery, 137, 139
browser, 139
display, 138
font size, 138
lighting, 138
notification, 138
phone, 139
radio, 138, 139
reminders, 138
resetting the handheld, 138
volume, 138
TTY Mode field, 68
TTY option, See text telephone
Tune field, 120
adding, 121
deleting, 122
downloading, 121
turning off
alarm, 106
handheld, 110, 111
mute, 54