Blackberry 6280 User Manual

Page 144

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User Guide

Display Name field, 21
Display Time field, 21
distribution lists, See groups
Do Not Disturb field, 120
draft messages

icon, 134
saving, 12



appointments, 95–96
AutoText entries, 113
bookmarks, 79
contacts, 42
email and PIN messages, 15
groups, 42
meetings, 95–96
memos, 103
notification profiles, 121
phone call notes, 57
saved searches, 34
SIM card contacts, 46
task status, 101
tasks, 101
user-defined field names, 39
See also setting

email addresses, adding multiple, 38
email messages

adding contacts to, 12
deleting, 28
editing, 15
filing, 31
forwarding, 14
marking opened, 35
marking unopened, 35
opening, 10
reconciling, 30
replying to, 13
requesting more of, 10
resending, 14, 15
saving, 28
saving draft, 12
searching for, 32

sending, 11–13
setting importance, 22
setting options, 21

emergency calls, making, 52
emptying deleted items folder on

computer from handheld, 30

Enable Quick Entry field, 98

auto on/off, 111
call barring, 61
call forwarding, 63
call logging, 60
handheld password, 124
SIM card security, 127

Encryption Strength field, 131
End of Day field, 98
ending phone calls, 51
Extension Length field, 66
extensions, dialing, 39


file attachments

navigating, 19
opening, 19
opening table of contents, 18
setting options, 20
supported file formats, 18

filing email messages, 31

accepting or denying

connection requests, 115

resetting options, 115

First Day of the Week field, 98
folders, See bookmark folders
Font Family field, 20, 123
Font Size field, 20, 123

calendar, 88


email and PIN messages, 14
phone call logs, 58
phone calls, 63
SMS messages, 26

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