1 client, 2 server – Renesas Stub Generator V.1.00 User Manual
Page 18
Section 3 Functions and Files Generated by RPCGEN
Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 6 of 128
(1) Client-initialization function
This function initiates the connection with the server. Specifying CLNT_NOINIT prevents the
creation of the client-initialization function.
(2) Client-shutdown function
This function ends the connection with the server. Specifying CLNT_NOSHUTDOWN prevents
the creation of the client-shutdown function.
(3) Client-stub functions
Each of these functions makes an RPC call and has the same API as or an API similar to the server
function. If SVRAUTH has not been specified, the API will be the same as that of the server
function. Specifying CLNTSTUB prevents the creation of a specific client-stub function.
(1) Server-initialization function
This function starts up the server. Specifying SVR_NOINIT prevents the creation of the server-
initialization function.
(2) Server-shutdown function
This function shuts the server down. Specifying SVR_NOSHUTDOWN prevents the creation of
the server-shutdown function.
(3) Server-stub functions
Each of these functions is called back from the RPC library and then calls a server function.
Specifying SVRSTUB prevents the creation of a specific server-stub function, while specifying
SVRFUNC allows the name of the called server function to be replaced.